Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some recent movies you may enjoy!

Some room to grow...

Oliver tries on his Uncle Doug's Yankee's cap.

Oliver takes a dive...

Into a very shallow pool on his Memorial Day holiday in Shelter Island. He wasn't quite sure what to think about the whole experience... but there is a first time for everything.

Mommy's Night Out

After monthes on nesting and hugging on the baby... I finally made it out to a party (!!!) on a Saturday night. I got all dressed up for the occasion. While I was home just after midnight because I needed to give my little guy a hug, I did have a great time and it certainly was refreshing talking about "grown-up" things vs poopy diapers and teething!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oliver's First Meal

Oliver has hit yet another big milestone in his life... solid food! So we aren't at frog's legs just yet, but we did have a successful meal of cereal and he seems to be quite into it... check out the video!

Mother's Day

Today was the most amazing day... woke up to the Oliver's smiling face and the sun shining! My first Mother's Day was truly blessed with fun and fellowship with my little man and my dear friends. Check out some of our pictures... Oliver was a little tired at this point, but had to have some mother/son photos to document the day

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tummy Time


Nana and Papa sent Oliver a new Flip Video Camera so that we can document our everyday milestones. This was our first test run with the new toy and we know we are going to have a lot of fun with it...